infrae.testbrowser 2.0b1

2.0b1 (2011/11/07)

  • Add an initial support for test with Selenium 2. The Selenium browser takes a wsgi application as parameter and serves it using Python default wsgi server, in a thread, during the testing. The API of the Selenuim browser the one provided by the default one, in the measure of the possible.
  • Fix various issues concerning encoding, to allow unicode strings at many places.
  • Try to send back field values in the same order they are listed in the HTML document. Some systems use this to work.
  • Fields are allowed, for most of then, to share the same name, even if they are not of the same type. In this case, you set a list instead of a value to the widget you fetched.
  • Allow more things to be customized, like the hostname, port, protocol, the default wsgi environ. Some of those settings are customizable from the command line (same system than for Selenium).
  • The browser is a now a context manager. You can register some actions to be executed at the end of context manager, using handlers.
  • Add support for XML in the basic browser. An lxml parse tree is available in the xml attribute of the browser.
  • This now support only Python 2.6 and 2.7.


Filename Release date Size
infrae.testbrowser-2.0b1.tar.gz 2011 11 7 16:46:14 39.2 k


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