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Silva 1.1.1 released

Publication date: 30.December.2004, 17:00

Infrae releases a bugfix version for Silva 1.1

December 21, 2004 – Silva is an easy to use, open source, enterprise-class content management system with a focus on structured content and XML. It comes with a fully integrated browser-based WYSIWYG editor (Kupu), and has extensive XML support, such as XSLT-based rendering of content. Silva completely separates public website layout from its user interface, making it easy to customize the templates of your website.

Silva 1.1.1 includes:

  • New feature: an XSLT renderer that can render documents without the main title at the top. This can be useful in layout templates that already include this title.
  • Silva 1.1.1 is Zope 2.7.3 compatible.
  • A number of bugfixes. For full detail, see Silva's HISTORY.txt.

Download Silva 1.1.1.