PyDAVClient is a package which helps in accessing resources published via the WebDAV protocol. It provides a set of classes which directly refer to the resource wanted.
It requires libxml2 and it's Python bindings.
To test the classes use the script and give a WebDAV enabled URI to it as a parameter.
For now, there won't be an official release, but it is a dependency of the Railroad Server ( and the Railroad for Zope product.
To get the newest version checkout:
Available releases
Release version | Release date | Release files |
PyDAV Client 0.2 | 2010 11 22 14:10:14 |
pydavclient-0.2.tar.gz |
PyDAV Client 0.1.2 | 2005 2 4 15:12:44 |
pydavclient-0.1.2.tar.gz |
PyDAV Client 0.1.1 | 2004 9 16 16:25:00 |
pydavclient-0.1.1.tar.gz |
PyDAV Client 0.1 | 2004 9 14 09:49:58 |
pydavclient-0.1.tar.gz |
License: New BSD